twitter: tikitoons�
gtalk: tikitoon�
Location: San Francisco, (in the Mission) CA USA 94103
Hometown: Atwater, CA
Birthday: Oct 21 1965
aka bluedecker97 [Illustrator]
aka dj choppercat
aka TIKI TOON Proprietor
I love to blog, illustrate, market my designs, communicate, make people dance their a** off, kabbalah meditation, celebrate christmas, cats, san francisco, gTalk chats, flock browser, the internet and more.
aka DJ Choppercat:
using a PC desktop and software called VIRTUAL DJ Pro along with webcam technology that broadcasts forustream.tv�and podcasts, DJ Choppercat from San Francisco is creating a dance music hour long mix for listening on a web page.
PURRnSAMPLE blog by DJ Choppercat:�
DJ Choppercat's Hour REMIXS audio/video cast : BPM XM 81-style charts music and the skills of San Francisco's DJ Choppercat. Site features current podcast playing on page including audio and video remix. Comprehensive links to quality mp3blogs and XM BPM dance chart archive, too. Play sets from podcast on page.
a Cafepress or Zazzle Premium shops with over 10000 - Items include shoes, skateboards, tshirts, shirts, thongs, boxers, kid's clothes, bibs, stationary, cards, coffee mugs, framed tile, posters, buttons, magnets and more.