COMING SOON: IS a Homophobic Marketing Blog?
by Wesley Miller on Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 2:14am
I would like to mention in a short time how pleased to use as a alternate blogging platform for my applications technology and marketing pro reviews and blog posts. It allows a focus on these details that get lost in the multi-stream of a my regular blog which serves many functions besides social business online.
However, I was appalled today at imfaceplate when visiting to add a post in a group "GAY IS GOOD Business".
GAY IS GOOD BusinessIt is a group that was opened last week by me and a introductory thread writing the group's purpose and a post entry were contributed to the page. thus I find the group is removed and so it makes me compelled to ask 'why'?
The President of the United States, the Military tribunal and Congress repeals "Don't Ask Don't Tell" from the court and serves the equality of all people yesterday. I wonder if someone at imfaceplate started a group called "African American Business" would it find under your inspection and removed.
THE word 'gay' is not sensitive unless you are homophobic. If this is the lesson here, sadly, will vacate and delete my contributions.
Sincerely, Wesley Miller aka tikitoon