facebook VROOM a Voice Chat and Call Center too...
"A preference for voice communication will linger for years in spite of video phones on occasion." Recently, one of the services that I beta tested online was from vivoxvoice. My experience blogging about chat applications edged my way into the program. This app is developed to augment current facebook chat without complication and provide a browser-based FREE phone center for calls in the US.
Like any facebook app, you simply start the program, give permission to access your information and wait until it rolls you over to it's environment. This is a browser based chat room with several features to test and adjust your microphone. Your room's long distance phone number and i.d. web link.
Every facebook member gets a new and unique phone number and web link to post in twitter or facebook and share or attract callers.
Voice room # for calling in: +1 (***) 727-4472 x853433
FRIENDS button gives three options: see your facebook chat friends online and invite to the app. Post a voice message to your wall or anywhere you can call. (There is a dial pad.) Record a private message that arrives in your friend's fb mailbox.
There is some variety to for random and new encounters because a menu has Featured voice rooms with themes and titles that count the number of current users back to you. I have used the application but the only times have seen any occupants in a featured room, was during a beta phase and the developer was in their own room.
You have a room assigned to you by name that is not featured or public unless you choose that option to be seen by anyone.
One room is simply a developer's utility that echo's and records your voice so that when entering, start talking and hear for yourself .. the way you are sounding to others online. It may be crystal clear or some interruptions depending on the hardware on both sides.
Finally, the company developing this application is very enthusiastic and available for feedback and suggestions for new features too. Visit to learn more about it's wider and general release candidate for other services soon.
Please search for the continuation of this blog post with a new Google Chrome extension for facebook chat, called vRINGME